Saturday, July 19, 2008

July 19. 2008

Okay, so I hadn't been to the garden in a few days...3 to be exact...and when I arrived today I was amazed to find the squash that was the size of my ring finger a few days ago was now the size of a childs forearm. Hot damn!

Did a bit of harvesting while there today. Came home with what is basically a buttload of yummy carrots, beets (3 varieties) and squash. Here is the pic including dirt imported to my back yard from Plot #68.

And here is a pic sans said dirt:

I am feeling so healthy its startin' to make me kinda sick.

--It's Fosco, Dammit!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's a great pic sans dirt. maybe a candidate for next year's calendar?