My taters are poking through...

Beets are up...

Carrots have made their first appearance...

Spinach too...

And the peas.

The radishes are looking healthy. That a confidence booster.

And with a view like this...

...who can complain?
--It's Fosco, Dammit!
Hey Fos, I finally had a few minutes to sit down and get caught up. Been a crazy time for both of us but we had fun today reading "dirt". FAR OUT! You have green, growing things! I can't wait to see your reaction when you get to pluck something edible out of the dirt!!! I bet you'll get as excited as we do. But oh, your poor hands! Right now we only have a half wine barrel full of different kinds of parsley and some basil and Hopefully some dill. It's not much as a garden grows, but it's pretty and smells heavenly. Our flowers are doing well, tho', the nasturtiums are rioting all over the place, roses are budding and the rhodies are just pure glory.( Kinda like Mt Hood but on a smaller scale.) We are enjoying your adventure in gardening tremendously and wishing we were gardening along with you, but just haven't had the time to do it justice this year- nor been able to figure out how to circumvent out "critter" problem in what was our little garden patch. We aren't sure if it's gophers, moles or what, but the last garden we made was just coming along great, just starting to produce little tomatoes and zucchinis and peppers and fun stuff, when suddenly all these little dirt mounds began to appear all over the garden patch and next thing we knew everything was falling over and brown and we discovered that "critters" had eaten up all the roots! We had some real bad moments over that cause we'd worked our fannies off- as I sure you can relate to now- Anyway were having a lot of fun hearing about your "dirt". We'd been trying to think of who you were reminding us of and finally Bruce came up with it this evening...Arlo Guthrie in Alice's Restaurant!!! One of our all time favorites!! Keep up the good work, we'll keep reading and enjoying your garden right along with you
Yup, Arlo. "Shovels and rakes and other implements of destruction", or something like that.
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